SBIR Matching Grant Applications Open Oct. 23, 2024
SBIR Matching Grant Applications Open Oct. 23, 2024 SANTA FE, N.M. – The New Mexico Economic Development Department announces that applications for the FY25 New Mexico Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Matching Grant will open on Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2024.
Read ArticleThe Financial Literacy Disparity Impacting the African American Community in New Mexico
Financial literacy is a critical element for achieving economic equity, but the African American community continues to face significant challenges in this area, particularly in New Mexico. The racial wealth gap is stark—nationally, the median wealth of white households is ten times that of Black households. This gap in financial literacy directly impacts the ability of Black communities to accumulate wealth and access financial opportunities. These disparities are exacerbated by historical injustices, structural barriers, and limited access to financial education.
Read ArticleReturn to Breast Cancer Screening for Under Resourced Communities
The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) is centering the lived experiences and voices of our diverse volunteer leaders through our six volunteer Affinity Groups that enhance, strengthen, and diversify communications, messaging, partnerships, policy initiatives, and volunteer outreach, training, and engagement within their communities.
Read ArticleFinancial Freedom and The Free Application for Federal Student Aid
Getting a college degree can open so many doors and opportunities for Black/African American students looking to achieve financial growth and career stability. Funding that college degree can be challenging. That’s why it’s highly encouraged that Black/African American students looking to complete post-secondary degrees take advantage of applying for Financial Aid to include scholarships, grants, and student loans. “The U.S. Department of Education reported that more than 3.1 million students successfully submitted the Free Application for Federal Student (FAFSA)” for the 2024-2025 application cycle (
Read ArticlePED Launched a New Approach to Student Discipline
Read ArticleMinority Health Month
April is Minority Health Month, and this is a critical time to be aware of changes to our healthcare system. Three years have passed since the first cases of Covid-19 in the United States. The federal government declared it a Public Health Emergency. As of March 31st, 2023, New Mexico ended its emergency order.
Read ArticlePolitical and Social Determinants of Health: New Mexico 2023 Legislative Session
We all might despise the statement, "health is a political choice," but put it into the proper context of just a few recent public health crises that our New Mexico communities are experiencing; the Covid-19 pandemic, the opioid epidemic, and even gun violence. It is essential to understand that conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age drive health and health inequities, but if these social determinants shape health, what shapes these social determinants?[
Read ArticleOBCE Justice40 initiative, How Can the NM Black Diaspora Will Benefit?
In a historic announcement, Albuquerque became the first city in the nation city (take/out) to take action through an Executive Order to advance the Justice40 Initiative, a Biden-Harris Administration initiative to deliver 40 percent of overall benefits from certain federal investments to disadvantaged communities.
Read ArticleBlack Community Engagement Now!
June is African American Music Appreciation month, inspiration and impact is what music continues to provide for our New Mexico Black/African American diaspora. Music can increase engagement and inspire collaboration. I recently had the opportunity to attend the New Mexico Public Education Department’s “Impact to Inspire Community Engagement Summit” at the Hispanic Cultural Center in Albuquerque NM.
Read ArticleBlack Community Engagement Now!
This monthly article is to provide information that is NM specific to the African American community on the pillars listed in the OAAA vision. The newsletter aims is to provide information relevant to the African American community from knowledgeable experts in the fields of Education, Economics, Health, Community Development, Advocacy and Policy. All of which have a major impact on Black/AA communities in New Mexico. OAAA also seeks to provide the community with reliable information and ideas on disparities facing African Americans in New Mexico and ways they can be addressed within our political climate.
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